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10 Best Alternatives to the Windows Operating System

10 Best Alternatives to the Windows Operating System

Exploring the Digital Frontier: The 10 Best Alternatives to the Windows Operating System

While Windows remains the most widely used operating system worldwide, there is a diverse array of alternative operating systems (OS) that cater to various needs, preferences, and hardware. These alternatives offer unique features, performance benefits, and often a higher level of customization and security. Whether you are looking for an OS for personal use, development, gaming, or business, there is an option that can meet your requirements.

In this article, we will explore the 10 best alternatives to the Windows operating system, highlighting their key features, advantages, and ideal use cases. From open-source platforms to specialized systems designed for specific tasks, this guide will help you navigate the landscape of non-Windows operating systems.

1. macOS

Overview: Developed by Apple Inc., macOS is known for its sleek design, stability, and seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem. It is the default operating system for Mac computers.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly interface with a focus on aesthetics and usability.
  • Strong security features and regular updates.
  • Integration with iCloud and other Apple services.
  • Optimized for creative software like Final Cut Pro and Adobe Creative Suite.

Ideal For: Creative professionals, Apple users, and those looking for a premium, polished computing experience.

2. Linux (Ubuntu)

Overview: Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions, known for its user-friendliness and strong community support. It is free and open-source.

Key Features:

  • Customizable and highly secure.
  • Wide range of software available through repositories.
  • Regular updates and long-term support (LTS) versions.
  • Suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

Ideal For: Developers, security enthusiasts, and anyone looking for a flexible and robust OS.

3. Linux (Fedora)

Overview: Fedora is another popular Linux distribution, sponsored by Red Hat. It focuses on innovation and incorporates the latest technologies.

Key Features:

  • Cutting-edge features and software.
  • Strong community support and regular updates.
  • Excellent for development and programming environments.
  • Free and open-source.

Ideal For: Developers, tech enthusiasts, and those who want the latest and greatest in open-source technology.

4. Linux (Debian)

Overview: Debian is one of the oldest and most stable Linux distributions. It serves as the foundation for many other distributions, including Ubuntu.

Key Features:

  • Extremely stable and reliable.
  • Vast repository of software packages.
  • Strong community support.
  • Free and open-source.

Ideal For: Servers, advanced users, and those who prioritize stability and security.

5. Linux (Mint)

Overview: Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and aims to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including additional software and drivers.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly interface, similar to Windows.
  • Pre-installed multimedia codecs and additional software.
  • Highly customizable and lightweight.
  • Free and open-source.

Ideal For: Windows users transitioning to Linux, casual users, and those seeking a hassle-free Linux experience.

6. Chrome OS

Overview: Developed by Google, Chrome OS is designed for simplicity and speed, primarily running web applications through the Chrome browser.

Key Features:

  • Fast boot times and minimal system requirements.
  • Seamless integration with Google services.
  • Enhanced security through automatic updates and sandboxing.
  • Support for Android apps.

Ideal For: Students, casual users, and those who primarily use web-based applications.

7. FreeBSD

Overview: FreeBSD is a free and open-source Unix-like operating system known for its performance and advanced networking features.

Key Features:

  • High performance and scalability.
  • Advanced networking and security features.
  • Strong focus on stability and reliability.
  • Robust support for a wide range of hardware.

Ideal For: Servers, network appliances, and advanced users seeking a Unix-like environment.

8. ReactOS

Overview: ReactOS is an open-source operating system designed to be compatible with Windows applications and drivers.

Key Features:

  • Windows-like interface and compatibility.
  • Open-source and free to use.
  • Lightweight and fast.
  • Continually evolving with community support.

Ideal For: Those needing Windows compatibility without using Windows, developers, and enthusiasts.

9. Elementary OS

Overview: Elementary OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu, designed to be visually appealing and easy to use.

Key Features:

  • Clean, minimalist interface inspired by macOS.
  • Focus on user experience and design.
  • Pre-installed with essential applications.
  • Free and open-source, with an optional pay-what-you-want model.

Ideal For: Users seeking a beautiful and intuitive Linux experience, beginners, and those interested in design.

10. Solus

Overview: Solus is an independent Linux distribution built from scratch, focusing on a user-friendly and performance-oriented desktop experience.

Key Features:

  • Budgie Desktop Environment designed for simplicity and elegance.
  • Optimized for performance and responsiveness.
  • Curated software selection for a smooth out-of-the-box experience.
  • Rolling release model for continuous updates.

Ideal For: Desktop users, gamers, and those looking for a modern, efficient OS.

By exploring these diverse operating systems, you can find the perfect match for your needs, whether you prioritize security, customization, performance, or ease of use. Each OS offers unique features and strengths, providing viable alternatives to Windows for a wide range of users.



The “Everyday Linux User” website is dedicated to the average, ordinary, everyday, computer user who has a basic working knowledge of computers and who uses their computer for common tasks such as listening to music, playing games, watching videos, writing documents and editing photos and video clips.

Quite a common question asked at sites such as Reddit and Yahoo answers is “Which distro should I use?” and it is usually followed up by a brief set of requirements and the names of distributions that the user has heard of.

Users are confused when they first come to Linux about which distribution they should be using and I have heard people say “I was thinking of Ubuntu or Arch” or “I was thinking about Gentoo and how hard is it to use Linux From Scratch”.

Quite often these same users are sent off to Distrowatch to check out the distributions listed on that site and I’m sure many of those users then look at the rankings down the right hand side.
The truth is though that out of the top 10 only a handful are really going to be useful for a beginner or everyday user.

This article lists the top 10 distributions according to Distrowatch for 2013 and gives a brief outline of the purpose of those distributions and whether they are the sort of operating systems a new user or average computer user should be using as their first port of call.

Linux Mint

Linux Mint is clearly one of the distributions that the readers of this blog should be checking out.
The order of the day for Linux Mint is evolution over revolution and if you are looking for a traditional desktop oriented operating system with taskbars, system trays and menus then Linux Mint is definitely worth a go.

Linux Mint is a  “straight out of the box” operating system and as soon as you install it you can easily do the sort of tasks you would normally do without having to install any extra software.
Setting up the internet is a breeze as is installing peripherals.

There are a number of different desktop environments available for Linux Mint including Cinnamon, MATE, XFCE and even KDE. Use the Cinnamon or KDE desktop environments on newer hardware and MATE, XFCE environments on older hardware.

Linux is really good at sticking to a theme and so it doesn’t matter which desktop environment you choose the general look and feel and behaviour of the operating system is the same.


Ubuntu is the distribution that most people have heard of and consequently it is the first Linux based operating system that they try.
The fact that Ubuntu is number 2 in the rankings might actually be down to the fact that because most people have heard of Ubuntu they go straight to the downloads page rather than to Distrowatch. This is of course opinion and not necessarily fact.

I believe that Ubuntu is delivering everything that Microsoft wanted Windows 8 to achieve. The Unity desktop once you get used to it is a slick desktop environment and it is easy to see how it could work on desktops, laptops, tablets and phones.

Ubuntu isn’t for everyone though.  

The fine line between integration and intrusion is encroached upon by Ubuntu and if you aren’t comfortable with seeing adverts for products within your desktop experience then you might want to move on to another distribution or one of the other buntus such as Kubuntu, Lubuntu or Xubuntu.

Unlike Linux Mint the emphasis is about testing the boundaries. The desktop, although clearly not to some peoples tastes, is forward thinking and modern.
Add to the mix the integration of Steam for gaming and you have a really good operating system.

Ubuntu is definitely a Linux based operating system for the everyday user.


Debian has been around for what feels like forever and it provides the base for hundreds of other distributions including Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
Debian contains a set of repositories with an incredibly large number of applications available for users to install.

The versions of Debian available on their site only install free software and there are no third party or proprietary products included by default.

For new users, setting up Debian can be somewhat of a challenge compared to Ubuntu or Linux Mint.

The choice of which version of Debian to run is also quite tricky and depends on the person who will be using it. If you want the latest stuff today then you can install the unstable branch which has all the latest products but they may or may not work for you. At the other end of the scale you can choose the stable branch which has older versions of software that are pretty much guaranteed to work.

Debian is like Linux Lego. It is great for people who want to start from a base installation and build something from the ground up. It may not be suitable for people who have limited computer skills and it requires more of a learning curve than Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

I would suggest that Debian would be “The Next Step” when it comes to trying out Linux.


10 years ago the Linux landscape looked a lot different to how it looks today. Ubuntu was still in development.
At that time there were other Linux operating systems leading the way including Mandrake (Mandriva), openSUSE and PCLinuxOS. Mageia was originally a fork of the Mandriva codebase and it is a community driven distribution targeting the same sort of users as Ubuntu and Mint.

Mageia in theory is another operating system that new users to Linux should try out. 

Mageia is released for all the major desktop environments including Gnome, KDE, XFCE and LXDE. 

My advice is to definitely give it a try because there are people out there who swear by this operating system and think it is the best there is. What I would say though is that if you don’t like it, don’t dismiss Linux based on your experience with Mageia.


At the beginning of the article I mentioned that people often mention distributions that they have heard of whilst asking for advice on which one to use. Fedora’s name quite often comes up.
Fedora is cutting edge. There is less reliance on stability and more reliance on trying out new things. If you want the latest stuff now then Fedora is definitely the way to go.

For new users though the installer itself is a bit of a tricky customer and you may find the odd issue as you go along.

You should also be aware that Fedora, along with Debian, only ships with free software and you have to jump through a couple of extra hoops to install proprietary software and drivers.

As with Debian, I would say that Fedora is “The Next Step”.


openSUSE is a community distribution with big backing.

As with Mageia and Mint there are a number of desktop environments to choose from including Gnome, KDE, XFCE and LXDE.
openSUSE should definitely be tried by new users and users looking for an alternative to Mint, Mageia and Ubuntu.
The operating system is stable and it is relatively easy to set up and use.
openSUSE has been around for a long time as well so there is little danger of it disappearing in the near to medium term future.


A definite must try for new users to Linux. It always surprises me that PCLinuxOS languishes lower down in the top 10 rather than sitting up in 2nd or 3rd.
For new and inexperienced users, PCLinuxOS provides the closest experience to what they are probably used to than any of the aforementioned distributions (with the possible exception of Linux Mint).

There is great support and a great monthly magazine and the community is very friendly and supportive.

PCLinuxOS has the KDE, MATE and LXDE desktop environments available and therefore it caters to modern and older computers.

PCLinuxOS has a rolling release model which means that once you install it you will never have to upgrade.


The rise of Manjaro has been nothing short of amazing. Based on Arch Linux, Manjaro provides an instant entry point into the world of Arch Linux.
The setup of Manjaro is fairly straight forward and it performances very well on older and modern hardware.

The learning curve for Manjaro is potentially a little bit steeper than the likes of Mint, Ubuntu and PCLinuxOS.

This is not necessarily therefore a distribution that should be considered a first choice for the average computer user.


It scares me the number of people who have never tried Linux before that ask the question “Should I try Ubuntu or Arch first?”
If you are new to Linux and your computer skills are limited then Arch is definitely not your first port of call.

Even if you are an experienced Linux user, Arch may not be your next port of call.

There is no doubt that Arch will provide you a great base to build and tailor your operating system the way you want it to be but to get there you have to want to invest time and you have to be willing to learn on your feet (sounds like a job specification, must be a self-starter).

If you can read and follow instructions and think about what you are doing as you are doing it then there is definitely merit in trying Arch out. Ultimately if you succeed then you will feel great satisfaction knowing that you have a stable, secure, reliable and highly responsive operating system.

The documentation for Arch is excellent. The support from the forums can be a little bit hit and miss depending on whether the questions you ask show that you have put in the effort to try and solve your issues first. For instance saying that you can’t do basic things without having followed the beginners guide will be answered in the standard way. Read the manual.

If you are an average user then Arch may not be for you.


Puppy is designed to run from a USB pen drive or from DVD. It is not designed to be installed to the hard drive although it can be.
The approach taken by Puppy is about minimalism where functionality trumps pretty graphics.

All the usual favourites can be installed including FireFox and VLC but there are a host of lightweight alternatives installed by default.

Puppy isn’t really an operating system therefore that I would advise inexperienced users to use as their main operating system but I can’t stress enough that you should give it a go by running it from a USB drive.

You can have great fun playing around with Puppy Linux and if you always carry a USB drive with you then you have a bootable version of Linux available wherever you go.


Hopefully this guide has shed some light on the operating systems currently occupying the top slots at Distrowatch.
You should now be able to choose from the distributions that are most relevant to your situation.

For the everyday Linux user I recommend one of Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Mageia, openSUSE and PCLinuxOS with the addition of Puppy on a pen drive.
Thankyou for reading.

Most beautiful Linux operating systems for 2019

1. elementary OS

After Linux Mint and Zorin OS, elementary OS is probably the most popular Ubuntu-derivative. It promotes itself as a “fast and open” replacement for macOS and Windows. There are tons of Linux distros around that are widely used, but elementary OS focuses mainly on non-technical users who are fed up with Windows, and young developers who are new to the open source world. Its development started as a set of themes and apps designed for Ubuntu, so the visual appeal shouldn’t turn out to be surprising.
This beautiful Linux distro borrows some tricks from macOS for its slick interface that prefers to deliver a clutter-free experience to the users. The OS ships without many default Ubuntu applications, replacing them with many lightweight alternatives. It comes with the homegrown Pantheon desktop environment that looks polished and delivers with a lightweight experience. In case you’re having a tough time adapting to Ubuntu’s recent shift from Unity, you can give elementary OS a try.

Why use elementary OS?

  • macOS-like look
  • Lightweight and efficient DE
  • Selected set of applications

2. feren OS

feren OS is based on Linux Mint. What makes it one of the most visually attractive Linux distro is its tweaked Cinnamon desktop environment. It promises to deliver an experience that’ll match beat aesthetics of macOS and Windows operating systems. feren OS is a rolling release Linux distribution.

The look and feel of feren OS is familiar; there are a Windows-like start button and taskbar that have all the useful icons. The start menu is intuitively designed as clicking on an option opens a submenu. The Theme Changer tool lets you play with icons, setup, background, etc., so, do check it out. Overall, feren OS, apart from being a beautiful Linux distribution and an eye candy, it’s familiar and innovative.

Why use feren OS?

  • Familiar desktop, start menu
  • Clean, flat design
  • Modern looks, beginner friendly

3. Deepin

Deepin Linux is an open source, Chinese Linux distribution that aims to offer a clean and visually appealing interface to Linux users. We cover the latest Deepin Linux developments from time to time on Fossbytes and receive great feedback. The latest release of Deepin introduced a new blur and transparency style to the Control Center and desktop, which makes the overall look more appealing. It features homegrown desktop named “Deepin Desktop Environment,” or DDE.
Deepin Linux, one the prettiest Linux distros around, also comes with Hot Corners and Gestures that make your Linux desktop experience refreshing. Another striking feature of Deepin is its pleasing installer, which makes sure that your experience isn’t sub-par at any stage. It comes with Deepin Store that provides lots of applications that aren’t available in the Ubuntu Store.

Why choose Deepin?

  • Innovative features
  • Visual appeal
  • Deepin Store
  • Simple and easy-to-use installer

4. Solus OS

While this list features many derivatives of popular Linux distros, Solus tries to set itself apart from that crowd. In a very short period of time, Solus has established itself as one of the fastest growing and coolest Linux distros around. It follows the minimalist approach and sports a flat and modern look. It earns the tag of one of the most breathtaking Linux distros around with the help of its Budgie desktop environment.

Budgie desktop is built on top of GNOME but it doesn’t feature Shell. There’s a main menu to access the available applications. On the right side of the screen, you get Raven, which hosts applets, notifications, etc. Solus has recently added support for Snaps from the Ubuntu Snappy Store, which is one of my favorite latest additions to the operating system.

Why choose Solus?

  • One of the fastest growing new distros
  • Budgie desktop
  • Support for Snaps
  • Things just work out of the box

5. Chrome OS

Many users who aren’t well acquainted with Linux or Chrome OS must be surprised to see this entry on the list of best looking Linux distros. For those who don’t know, Chrome OS is actually a Gentoo Linux-based distribution created by Google. You can consider Google Chrome as its desktop environment and it mainly supports web applications. So, if you’re looking for a neat and clean-looking option for regular web browsing and video streaming purposes, Chrome OS is the perfect option. Just recently, Google also made it easier to run Linux apps on Chrome OS and made Chromebooks even more appealing.

Why go for Chrome OS?

  • Lots of low-cost Chromebook options to choose from
  • Perfect for web-centric workloads
  • Always-synced Google account on all devices — it’s only a positive if you prefer that kind of thing

6. Nitrux

Nitrux is the newest Linux distro on this list of most beautiful operating systems for 2019. You’ll take a single look at the distro and find that it has been created with design in mind. It’s worth noting that Nitrux is based on the Ubuntu unstable dev branch. Nitrux ships with the Nomad desktop environment, which is based on KDE Plasma 5 and Qt.
The developers of Nitrux OS have worked hard to distinguish themselves from the usual crop of Linux distros shipping with KDE desktop. It’s also important to mention that the same team behind the current Nitrux distribution had previously created another distro with the same name. This cool distro ships with custom-made software. It’s based on a rolling release model and only available for 64-bit systems.

Why choose Nitrux OS?

  • Own custom-made apps
  • Beautiful desktop UI
  • Minimalist approach

7. KDE Neon

If you are a KDE loyalist who is looking for a beautiful and lightweight Linux experience, look no further. KDE Neon calls itself the provider of the latest and greatest KDE software packaged on a rock solid Ubuntu LTS base. As for the looks, KDE Neon developers know how to master the flat-looking themes. There are a number of useful widgets that you can add to the desktop with ease. Distro’s menu is straightforward and user-friendly.
The strength of KDE Neon also lies in its promise of delivering a rock solid desktop with its cutting edge features. With this good looking Linux distro, you get the stability of LTS, get all the stuff done, and enjoy a slick experience. The software choice too is pretty balanced. Go ahead and try this Linux eye candy as your daily driver.

Why use KDE Neon?

  • Latest KDE software
  • Solid Ubuntu LTS base
  • Bug-free, beautiful, flat theme

8. Pop!_OS

System76’s Pop!_OS is the youngest member of this collection of the most beautiful Linux distributions. This operating system came into existence when Canonical decided to ditch Unity and more to GNOME. To provide a customized and fresh experience to its customers, Pop!_OS came into existence.
While its desktop is based on GNOME, it bears a distinct appeal and minimalistic approach. If you’re bored with your current desktop and an Ubuntu-based and cool looking Linux distro appeals to you, look no further.

Why choose Pop!_OS?

  • Fresh look, minimalist approach
  • Soothing color themes
  • Designed for creatives in the computer science field

9. Antergos

antergos os
Like Manjaro Linux, Antergos is another Arch-based option that ships with the GNOME 3 desktop environment as the default. The makers of this great looking distro call it an OS designed with simplicity in mind. Antergos’ other similarity with Manjaro is its out of the box experience that doesn’t require many steps on your part to use it for daily purposes. To make the experience more appealing, it ships with exclusive icons and desktop themes from the Numix project.

Why choose Antergos?

  • Simple to use, a rolling distro
  • Great out of the box experience

10. Zorin OS

Zorin OS is one of the most popular Linux distros on this list for 2018. Started in 2008, over the years, this visually appealing Linux desktop has established itself as a perfect Windows replacement. Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu, so working on terminal won’t need new skills. The installation process is very similar.
This Linux distro also comes with a useful set of applications that make your daily life easier. Zorin also comes with built-in Wine compatibility layer to let you install your favorite Windows applications inside Linux. Shipped with the GNOME desktop, Zorin really shines and aims to become your daily driver.

Why choose Zorin OS?

  • Familiarity of Windows
  • Popular distro, great support
  • Polished and rock solid Linux desktop experience

11. Manjaro Linux

manjaro linux 18.0
Manjaro Linux 18.0

Manjaro is my favorite Linux distribution and keeps popping up in almost all may lists of best Linux distros due to its versatility, speed, great looks, low-resource usage, and performance. Based on Arch Linux, this beautiful open source operating system focuses a lot on making the Linux usage experience a lot smoother. The primary Xfce desktop with Manjaro tweaks looks very eye pleasing with its green theme.

Why choose Manjaro?

  • A very helpful and fast growing community
  • Versatile distro that’s easy to use
  • Fast and lightweight

12. Maui Linux

In 2016, the developers of Netrunner Rolling turned a Ubuntu-based version of Netrunner Desktop into Maui Linux. This Linux distro has been rebased on KDE Neon. The KDE software parts used here are KDE Plasma, KDE Applications, Frameworks, and Qt libraries. The distro also features non-KDE software as well, including Firefox, VLC, Thunderbird, etc. The It’s an LTS and beautiful operating system that keeps on getting security updates.

Why choose Maui Linux?

  • Stable KDE Neon/Ubuntu base
  • Updated packages
  • KDE Plasma desktop and KDE technologies

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